MAE 310: Heat Transfer Fundamentals
Analysis of steady state and transient one and multi-dimensional heat conduction employing both analytical methods and numerical techniques. Integration of principles and concepts of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to the development of practical convective heat transfer relations relevant to mechanical engineers. Heat transfer by the mechanism of radiation heat transfer.
All content will be located on Moodle
MAE 308: Fluid Mechanics
Development of the basic equations of fluid mechanics in general and specialized form. Application to a variety of topics including fluid statics; inviscid, incompressible fluid flow; design of fluid dynamic system. Viscous flow in pipes, Navier-Stokes equations, etc.
All content will be located on Moodle
MAE 496: Undergraduate Research Projects
Every semester
Signal Processing, Experimental Acoustics, Principles of wave propagation
MAE 555 / MAE 495: Applied Acoustics
This graduate course covers the principles for acoustic and elastic propagation in fluids and solids. Diffraction theory is developed for finite sources. The notions of wavepacket, dispersion and waveguiding are reviewed. The fundamentals of the theory of elasticity and elastic propagation in solids are introduced, based on tensor analysis. Time reversal of acoustic waves is presented, as well as applications to medical imaging, elasticity imaging and nondestructive testing.
All content will be located on Moodle
MAE 518: Acoustic radiation
Introduction to principles of acoustic radiation from vibrating bodies and their related fields. Radiation of simple sources, propagation of sound waves in confined spaces, and transmission through different media.
All content will be located on Moodle